My friend was looking for Baking Tools and I was looking for a high quality Vanilla essence / extract to make cheesecake... yummm....
After quite the traffic, we got there, It was kinda hard getting a parking spot :( but luckily my friend's bf was willing to be driver of the day hohoho

Once we got inside the store.... my friend just lost it haeuihaheau
It was like a lil kid in candy land, she was busy looking for cookie cutters, chocolate molds, looking at canisters, and mostly she was calling my names every 5 seconds and saying "hey come take a look at this, so cute" or "I kinda don't really need this, but I so wanna have it"
It was slightly crowded inside the store, because it was approaching Idul Fitri 2008, so it was a bit hectic inside.
The store is not too spacious, but I'd say it caters to most of bakers' needs.
I just found out that there are many different types of butter to use for baking hohoho and they're sold by the kilo... there are different types of chocolate chips, icing sugar, brown sugar, flour, and at the back end of the store, is where you find all the cookie cutters, dough cutter, chocolate moulds, different shapes of baking pans, etc
And on the second floor is where they held the baking classes, in collaboration with Bogasari Baking Center.

I bought a small bottle of Mauritius Vanilla Extract, (white small bottle in photo above), The lady said the Mauritius Vanilla is more fragrant, if I'm not mistaken it cost around @Rp. 28.000,- (Sept 08).
So from one big glass bottle of Vanilla Extract (Which they also sell there) , they pour it to small plastic bottles and sell them for us who don't need a big bottle of vanilla extract.
I also bought small bags of Pistachio nuts, Almond flake, almond powder and Java almond / kacang kenari (cannarium indicum). which cost around Rp. 7000 - 12.000,- per bag.
They also sell them in bigger bags.

So my friend bought some cookie cutters in different shapes : angels, giraffe, gingerbread man, christmas tree, n other shapes, plus a thing to cut dought, what's it called ? a dough cutter ? hohoho (top right in the pic above)
They weren't too expensive, err.. I think, I can't really remember , this is what happens when I blog about this 2 months after going to the store (Sept 08) hhohohoho sowwy. But I think the dough cutter cost around Rp. 28.000,-... I think.... hoho
btw, here's a link of review on toko titan :)
from Dita Wistarini 's blog, an food blogger from Indonesia whose blog is fun to read and all those dessert photography... yummmm !!!!
someone promised to make me spiced gingerbread cookies ?
I wonder who that is ??
(nj / SanggarSeni.com)
Image copyright : SanggarSeni.com & Toko Titan
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