Here's a pic of the facade..... yummm.... So pretty rightt ?

She made everything from scratch and Guess how long it took her to made this snowy house of yummy treats ?
7 hourss.... yup dat's seven hours of baking and decorating.
Thank you dear :) *hugz*

Here's pics of the back and the side of the house.
I'm so loving the blue Snowflake :)

About the Ginger Bread Cookies, well, she only had little dough left, so she only made me 4 ginger bread cookies.... fourrrrrr..... just four yummy cookies and I had to share it with people at home. *sob*. And it wasn't actually a recipe for ginger bread cookies coz it was for the ginger bread house, but no diff for me hohohohoho they taste just as good. yumm...
Anyhow, she told me not to start eating-away parts of the Gingerbread House just yet, "not until Christmas", she said.
I said "whattt?? how is that even possible ? it's 20 days away till Xmas"
So we decided to at least wait a few days more, so the next time she comes visit me, She can still admire her work, hohohoho
But.... Do you notice any difference between these 2 photos below ?

Well ??
No ? ...
here's a big clue

and that was 20 minutes after my lovely Ginger Bread House arrived and my friend was in the bathroom.... She didn't even notice the difference. :D
We'll see what else might go missing in the days to come.
Buahahahahaha *evil laugh*
Once she sees this post, she's gonna definitely call me :)
in 3...2...1...
* winks *
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