so I gave my mom a "look" when she bought this particular fruit.
Let's see, it's tiny, and pale in colour, it's a rose apple type of fruit, which I'm not really crazy about.
It's called Jambu Mawar,
well, Jambu is Rose apple, and Mawar is Rose,
so this makes it a Rosy Rose Apple.
Okay... there's no hint of Rose-y color anywhere, maybe a little orange-y.
And it looks unripe.
We got home, chuck everything in the fridge and had dinner.
So the next day, my sis hands me this piece of fruit and said,
"try this.... it's so fragrant."
And So I did, I'm the kind of person who must try everything and anything, well except for insects and their friends.
So I smelled it.
And it smelled like the fruit's been soaked in Rose perfume.
I thought to myself, I bet it's gonna taste so weird and synthetic.
So I took my first bite.
and I was like Whooooooa.......
it's sweet with an amazing hint of Rose, it's a perfect combination.
It's like when you smell a Rose flower, and wonder what the flower tastes like, except when you actually eat the flower, it's kinda bland, well, this is like what Rose should taste like.
The Rose fragrant is obviously there, but not overwhelming, just perfect.
In fact you can even distill them to make Rose Water and it would be equivalent to those made out of Rose petals, no wonder it tastes sooo good.
It's like having one of those Rose infused dessert or a Rose macaron, but this is so light and crisp.
It kinda made me think that this is what Royalty eats. Kings and Queens and the like. hoahahah
It's a perfect fruit.
(btw, some are kinda bland, but the sweet ones are perfect, so you never know what u're getting really hohoho)
So I rushed to the kitchen, cut one up, the seed inside was not even attached to the fruit.
You can shake the Jambu Mawar, and feel the seed bouncing around inside.
Yes, you can even just use barehands to open the fruit up.
I've never had Rose Apple like dat before.
I've had Jambu Air (Eugenia aquea / Syzygium samarangense (syn. Eugenia javanica)),
Jambu Bol (Syzgium malaccense) & Jambu klutuk ( Psidium guajava)
some are sweet, some are sour, some are both, some taste kinda like when you bite a grape skin, but they don't smell and taste like Rose.
When you see a Rose Apple,
go ahead and give it a try, hopefully you find the perfect Rosy one :)
Rose Apple / Jambu Mawar
(Syzyygium jambos Alston / Eugenia jambos L. / Jambosa jambos Millsp.)
(nj / SanggarSeni.com)
Image copyright : SanggarSeni.com
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