So it's 2 am and you got so hungry, need food, but you don't really wanna cook, not to mention all the crazy dishes...
what's that ? you'd rather starve ?
Well, Now you can make Quick Egg Rice !! ,
instead of having rice and scrambled egg / fried egg / sunny side up.
d'uh.... boringgg.....
This one require minimum equipments, so if you didn't do the dishes right away, you won't get into trouble the next day.
Equipments :
1 tablespoon of tablespoon. huh ? I mean 1 spoon
1 non stick pan / teflon (diameter 4.72 inch / 12 cm or bigger)
1 plate (if you're planning to eat from the pan, eliminate plate)
yup.... dat's all u'll need
Ingredients :
Egg (for those of you who thinks the bigger the better, use Ostrich egg.)
Ready ?
hey... wat about the seasonings ? it's gonna taste bland
well... once it's done, just add salt n pepper, sweet soy sauce , chilli sauce , etc. easy right....
Tips : If you're not really hungry-hungry, you can use one of those tiny non-stick pan, 1 egg and 2 tablespoon of rice, but If you're really hungry, use a bigger non-stick pan, more eggs, more rice.
But if you're unsure how much you should add, just use the tiny non-stick pan and repeat process 10 times, same diff.
Let the adventure begins !!

1. Add a lil bit of oil to the pan.
Low heat. Add the egg
(I am using 4.72 " / 12 cm diameter pan)

2. Yes, you swirl and twirl the egg in the pan.

3. Add rice to your distinctive liking

4. Slightly flatten rice

5. Be patient.... if it's half done on top, you can flip it

6. *plop* ta daaaaaa, wait a while , and...

7. There you go.... decorate to your liking, dream high !
add salt n pepper, sweet soy sauce, chilli sauce,
blueberry sauce, maple syrup (oopss... not pancake)

8. Ta daaa.... sliced and you can see the rice
*it kinda looks like pacman* hohho
wat's dat ? you can't see the rice ?

There.... see rice now ?
*chomp chomp*
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