But it's so hard.... if not unavailable... when we want to find a real Indonesian doll...
These are some of my collections when I was younger.
I have a The Simpsons figurine.... Lisa's missing tho.

I have 2 hand pupptes of the Seven Dwarf and 2 of Snoopy's gang.

but I don't recall ever seeing the Unyil doll on sale.... ever
Unyil and Pak Raden, Pak Ogah, Meylan, Bu Bariah, Cuplis, etc is a totally Indonesian doll and their stories always have an educational message.
I was just wondering why it's never been sold as a merchandise...
I so want to buy a good quality Unyil & the gang doll.
Hopefully they will be available someday soon :)
Hey... Someday we may even be able to export Unyil and the TV show abroad.
Just like Sesame Street that's available in so many countries in local languages, Who knows Unyil might make it too.
So instead of importing stuff from abroad, this time we're able to export stuff out of Indo :)

Anyhoo... who actually made those Unyil dolls ?
This brings us to Pak Raden.
Pak Raden is the man who created the character and the designs of the figres in Unyil TV series way back
then, but the copyright is still under PPFN (Pusat Produksi Film Negara).
and who is Pak Raden, you ask ?
Pak Raden is Drs. Suyadi, a True Indonesian Artist who's also a Painter, Illustrator, Story Teller and an Actor who played Pak Raden, I think He is a Super Cool Figure who deserves our Respect.
Wanna know more ?
Read it here :
In the mean time....
Unyil Kucinggggggggg ............ ;)
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