We hear so many different suggestions....
" Age 3 is a good age to start a piano lesson "
" No no no.... a 3 year old is too young, it's better to start at age 5 !
" But when the kid start when he's 5, it's too late, he needs to develop his musical sense at a very young age"
The debate is endless....
The true answer differs in each kid. Why ?
Every Kid is unique in their own right.
Your kid is unique !!
Mozart created his little pieces at the age of 5, but that doesn't mean your child has to be able to compose a song at the same age.
Some will show interest to music at a very young age, while some at a later age.
You can in fact learn music at a later age and still be able to play beautifully. :)
So There's no need to rush you child to a music lesson at age 3,
let your child show you what his/her interests are.
Even if you wanna star at age 3, dat's totally fine. As long as the kid's not pressured.... because learning music is supposed to be Super Fun :)
Some pre-schools even give musical introduction classess where kids are free to play around with different kinds of musical instruments. That will help you see what their interests are.
Hey... you can even do that at home..... just get some musical toys and just let him/her have fun. Observe their interests of course :)
Don't force them to learn the piano if they're more interested in the violin, , they may even be more interested in playing the drums !! :)
Their interests may change in time, so just let them have fun for now.
Let them sing along, let them create music of their own. Because when they love what they do, learning becomes so much fun.
I'm sure you'll want to see that big smile when your child is practising.

Now, what about yourself ?
What is the perfect time for You the learn music ?
Well... the answer's is simple,
The Perfect time is Right Now...
Right where you want to learn, that's the Time :)
You see... the "It's too late and I can't read music" excuse, won't work.
Maybe it's time you start taking that music lessons you've been delaying and actually start playing music :)
It's not really that hard if you really want to....and then you can stop day-dreaming or imagining playing the piano / other instruments.
Give it a try :)
(nj / SanggarSeni.com)
Image Copyright : SanggarSeni.com
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