Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Runny Color - extreme

I recently bought a pair of new jeans.... yeay rite :)
So happy after some retail therapy, plus I do need new jeans ;p

So... when I washed them (yep, washed them myself)
The color was so runny...........
This is a pic of the third soak/rinse water.
That doesn't look like textile color staining the soak water, it looks more like I'm soaking my jeans in dark blue ink.
How crazy is that ?

Jeans are still inside the bucket, see how dark the water is ?

There....jeans outside the bucket, you should see the first rinse water.

I bought the jeans in one of a famous clothing store.
Just imagine if I didn't wash them before hand, and wore them right away and it rained..... fun right ? imagine blue underwear ;p

What kind of textile color are they using anyway ?
Jeans usually stains when rinsed, but never crazy like this....
I'm kinda scared to even wear it....

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