Ok... honestly,
if you've never heard of this girl, you must not own a TV or a Radio.
oh, so you have ? :) *smiles*
I can't even begin to describe my awe towards this girl.
A four fingered girl that plays the piano better than most of us.
Wanna watch her play ? watch Hee Ah Lee here on youtube.

This is the result of motivation, dedication, perseverance, hope, patience, dreams and let's not forget love.
This is for you out there who thinks that you can't, well you can !!
Even if you think that you're not very musical or you can't play any instruments, well guess what, you can still create musical lyrics, not lyrics about your secret lover and such, but lyrics like
"Hero" (Mariah Carey)
"When you believe" (Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston) , etc,
meaningful lyrics that motivates other people.
And when you start doing something that you love, all other things follow, and soon you find yourself playing an instruments, or even singing, and opportunities will open up.
So... yes you can... :)
(nj / SanggarSeni.com)
Photo Credit : KapanLagi.com
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